PIN Mongolia's Country Programme Strategy
After more than 10 years of working to serve the people of Mongolia, we are excited to release our new Country Programme Strategy.
'REACH' Programme Aims to Aid Herder Families in Dzud-Affected Provinces
The main goal of this initiative is to address the urgent needs of child protection, education, and healthcare in remote areas affected by the dzud among herder families and their children.
CSO Actors Join Forces to Support Mongolia’s Digital Transition
"Digital Inclusion through CSO Empowerment (DICE)" project funded by the European Union launched on December 7th in Mongolia. Led by the Ministry of Digital Development and Communication, in collaboration with People in Need Mongolia and FARO Foundation, DICE is set to support...
People in Need has been operating in Mongolia since 2009. We strive for a Mongolia where local communities are strengthened, respective of human rights, and empowered to be the drivers of change and equal opportunities. Apart from providing emergency relief, PIN builds the capacities of cooperatives, civil society organizations and local authorities, supports sustainable living, strengthens higher education, promotes environmental protection, and raises awareness about air pollution.
Where we help
Donors and partners
The Mongolian Sustainable Finance Association
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Ulaanbaatar
Caritas Czech Republic in Mongolia
PIN Club of Friends
German Federal Foreign Office
European Union
Friends of Mongolia
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
SWITCH Asia - Grants Programme
Development Solutions NGO
UNFPA Mongolia
Spirit of America
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
The Nest Center for Journalism Innovation