CSO Actors Join Forces to Support Mongolia’s Digital Transition
Published: Dec 7, 2023 Reading time: 3 minutes Share: Share an articleCSO Actors Join Forces to Support Mongolia’s Digital Transition

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia – "Digital Inclusion through CSO Empowerment (DICE)" project funded by the European Union launched on December 7th in Mongolia. Led by the Ministry of Digital Development and Communication, in collaboration with People in Need Mongolia and FARO Foundation, DICE is set to support Mongolia's digital transition and empower Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) at the forefront of this transformative initiative.
In line with the EU CSO Roadmap, the DICE project unfolds a dynamic strategy to bolster the digital capacities of CSOs, making them instrumental players in Mongolia's journey towards digital inclusivity. The project focuses not only on internal CSO capabilities but also directly addresses the digital literacy needs of marginalized groups through targeted training and development programmes. Specifically, to bridge the digital divide, the project seeks to empower a minimum of 40 CSOs and their 160 staff members to engage with elderly individuals, people with disabilities, rural households, women, and vulnerable youth.
“Our goal is to promote a more inclusive society, foster an enabling space for CSO advocacy, improve accountability and transparency, and support CSOs in legislative drafting and decision-making. This project, specifically tailored to address the digital divide, aims to enhance the digital literacy and capabilities of our civil society, with a keen focus on marginalized groups" said H.E. Ms. Axelle Nicaise, the EU Ambassador to Mongolia.
“A trilateral Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between the Ministry of Digital Development and Communication of Mongolia, People in Need Mongolia, and FARO Foundation, solidifying our partnership with CSO, and we are grateful to the European Union for their generous support for a digitally inclusive Mongolia, where every citizen has the opportunity to contribute to and benefit from our nation’s digital transformation” said Battsetseg Bataa, State Secretary of the Ministry of Digital Development and Communication of Mongolia.
Mr. Mungunkhishig Batbaatar, Country Director of People in Need Mongolia, shared insights into the project's reach: “Launching the DICE project symbolizes a pivotal shift towards digital equality in Mongolia. We’re focusing on integrating those often excluded from formal digital education by engaging with local NGOs at the grassroots levels, ensuring that no one is left behind in our digital advancement.”
People in Need, one of the largest INGOs in Eastern Europe, will lead the project in Mongolia. Their experience in working with marginalized groups, along with a history of driving systemic change, positions them as a key player in this transformative endeavor.
FARO Foundation, committed to enhancing digital literacy among marginalized groups, brings valuable experience to the project. Their tailored training programs have played a crucial role in bridging the digital divide, ensuring that the benefits of digital transformation reach the most vulnerable sectors of society.