People in Need in Mongolia
In Mongolia, we help local people cope with extreme weather events and climate change, improve rural livelihoods, and support digital inclusion and civil society.
Besides humanitarian aid, we focus on sustainable development and enhancing livelihoods in rural areas. We raise business people's and associations' awareness regarding access to finance and development opportunities concerning the use of green energy and environmental impact mitigation in the production and distribution of food and beverages. We support the processing of sheep wool as an isolation construction material. We aim to cover the whole supply chain, including small sheep breeders and small to middle-size businesses.
We improve air pollution and energy efficiency in traditional gers and communities through climate-smart cooking, heating, and insulation products and services.
We also support people who face extreme weather conditions. Severe frosts called dzud would come once in 10 years. However, lately, they have been occurring every other year. They typically occur when there is an extremely dry summer followed by a harsh winter. With cattle struggling to survive such weather, families face losing livelihood and lacking basic food, heating materials, and winter clothes. We help affected families survive these harsh winters and prepare for those in the future.
We also support local civil society organisations and state authorities in digitalisation and media literacy. Furthermore, we support the local CSOs and NGOs in accessing international funds and leveraging global expertise through the CSN platform for more accountable governance.
Our help in Mongolia since 2008
We established our permanent office in 2011. Since then, PIN has delivered around 30 projects covering 19 Aimags (provinces), impacting thousands of people in rural and urban settings. These projects have focused on climate change and sustainable livelihoods, emergency response, gender and social inclusion, civil society empowerment and good governance, and education and skills development sectors. Our first project in Mongolia was assisting families affected by the severe dzud in 2008/2009.
People in remote rural areas of Mongolia also have minimal access to healthcare. We have previously commissioned mobile ambulances with modern diagnostic equipment and equipped remote hospitals with ultrasounds.
Country of steppes and deserts
Mongolia is a country of steppes and deserts with a harsh climate. It is also the world's most sparsely populated country. After the collapse of the USSR, the Mongolian economy collapsed. Recently, the country has experienced economic growth thanks to its mineral wealth, but more than a quarter of the population still lives below the poverty line.