The European Union funded "Switching on the Green Economy" Project launches in Erdenet city, Orkhon aimag.

Published: Mar 21, 2023 Reading time: 2 minutes

The European Union funded "Switching on the Green Economy" Project launches in Erdenet city, Orkhon aimag.

Switching on the Green Economy Project Launch Event in Erdenet City, Orkhon aimag
© Photo: PIN

Orkhon aimag -- A four-year project called Switching on the Green Economy (SOGE), has been funded by the European Union through its SWITCH-Asia programme with 2.2 million USD, to support Mongolian agri-food and beverage SMEs and suppliers in adopting circular economy practices through a market-based green certification and eco- labelling system, capacity building, behaviour change and access to green finance. The project aligns with the country’s national strategy to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 22.7% by 2030. Moreover, this is the first SWITCH-Asia project in the Agri-Food and Beverage Sector to be implemented in Mongolia.

On 21 March 2023, about 50 representatives including local government officials, agriculture department experts, Jargalant soum Governor's Office, and representatives of small and medium-sized producers attended the launch event.

Implemented by a consortium of organisations led by People in Need (PIN) in Mongolia, during the event, B. Mungunkhishig, PIN Mongolia Country Director explained, “this project is part of our programme’s efforts to support green development and circular economy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Our goal through its implementation is that SMEs, traders, and end-users in the food, water, and beverage sectors will eventually change their attitudes and behaviour to be more environmentally friendly, ultimately also contributing to the future green development of Mongolia”.

E. Nomindari, Mongolian Sustainable Finance Association(MSFA) Executive Director added: "SMEs and distributors in the food, water, and beverage industry will receive tailored technical assistance to change their established models to become greener and more environmentally friendly. By introducing eco-labelling to the market, we will achieve green financing and transition to a circular economy".

The Switching On the Green Economy project aims to support 1,500 agri-food and beverage MSMEs, 30 agri-food and beverage business associations (BA), and 750 retailers in adopting circular economy practices through a market-based eco-labelling system.

The SWITCH-Asia Programme:

The SWITCH-Asia regional  programme was launched in 2007 as part of the European Union’s priority to support a programme of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) in its regional cooperation strategy with Asia. As of 2023, the programme covers 41 countries in Asia, the Middle-East and the Pacific. It addresses emerging economies as well as least-developed and major CO2 emitting countries. Its mission is to support the transition of countries to a low-carbon, resource-efficient and circular economy while promoting sustainable production and consumption patterns within Asia, the Middle-East and the Pacific, and greener supply chains between these regions and Europe.

Author: Tina Puntsag, Communications and Advocacy Officer

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